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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Between The BlackBerry and the W800
Some of these methods have not been tested... i can only "own" a few phones really.. so use them at your own peril.

How to install Java games and apps on "some" Phones

I've realized that many people cannot, do not or don't know how to install mobile java software.

If you don't know Java......

usijali, just read on you will get the gist of things.

Note that these are generic instructions, so comment to this post with the exact make and model of your phone and we *I* will point you to the right direction.

OMG! this is the first pure Geek post this year! I've changed!

Go on........... sue me for plagiarizing,,,
lakini i've put the appropriate references, kwa hivyo kula wire...

From Nokia Forums:

1. Launch PC Suite on your computer.

2. Click on the Install Applications logo (the three squares and a plus sign).

3. When the Application Installer appears, use the section on the left to choose the directory on your computer where you have the Java J2ME games or apps you want to install.

4. On the right side of the App Installer, click on "Phone Memory" and select the "Memory Card" or "Mass Storage" option. Note that if you've given your phone's memory card an odd name, it will appear instead of "Memory Card".

5. Click on the game or app you want to install on the left, and then click on the arrow button in the middle. A box will appear telling you to continue installation on the phone. Do NOT close this box, just leave it where it is for the moment.

6. On the phone's screen, follow the instructions and select "Memory Card" or "Mass Storage" or whatever the memory card is called. Be patient, the game or app may take a long time to install, especially if it's particularly large (many megabytes for example).

7. When the game or app has been successfully installed, you'll see a message telling you so. You can now go and use it. You'll probably find it in the Applications folder of the main menu, but some games or apps may install themselves elsewhere, perhaps creating their own menu folder for example.

And that's it, that's how you install Java J2ME games or apps from your computer onto your phone. You can now close PC Suite if you want.

If you want to remove a game or app, just go to its icon in the phone's menu system, click on Options and then click on Remove.

From Yahoo Answers: (Confused really)

Please follow the following steps to install the software on your Java platform.

1. Put the .JAR/.JAD on your desktop (PC), then open up your phone's software also on the desktop.

2. Drag the .jar file (from your desktop) to the icon labeled "phone memoryā€¯. You will see that it goes into an unfiled folder when it copies.

3. Go to this folder using your phone and highlight or select the .jar file. You will see from there that it will open-up and install.

From mobile Plaground: Samsung D500

In my first tutorial, you learned how to install a game over Bluetooth. Now, using Softick PPP we can not only transfer java games over Bluetooth, but also using and USB Cable or Infrared. This tutorial will teach you in a few short steps how to install java games on your Samsung D500 via USB Cable, Infrared or Bluetooth.Only two programs needed for this tutorial: Softick PPP 2.21 [797 kb]
  • Java Uploader [624 kb]
    1. Download and install Softick PPP. When you get to the configure USB Share mode, choose the exclusive mode.
      USB Sharing Mode
    2. The software is designed for Palm users, so if you receive any error messages such as unable to locate USBPORT.dll, just ignore them.
    3. Once you activate Softick PPP you may get another error like this, again jus't ignore:
      Unable to locate

    Do not run Softpick PPP yet.
    As we move to the second section of this tutorial, it's time to choose your transfer method.
    You can choose to transfer java games by [USB Cable], [Infrared] or [Bluetooth].

    II. Installing java games on the Samsung D500 via Bluetooth

    This method here is rather straightforward.

    1. Start Softick PPP, and check if it has your connection in its 'Settings->Bluetooth/Serial'. Active it if done.
      Softick PPP Settings
    2. Move to the [Final Step]

    III. Installing java games on the Samsung D500 via USB Cable

    If you are using an USB cable, please take the following steps:

    1. Connect the USB Cable
    2. Run Samsung's PIM & File Manager to make sure that you get connected. If you can't get connected, please switch yoour phone on & off and try it again.
    3. Run Softick PPP
    4. Go to 'Settings->Bluetooth/Serial' to check if it has a connection such as COM7 \Device\ss_mdm0 (the COM port number may differ on your pc). If so, select it, otherwise exit the Softick PPP and go back to the first step. (you may find the proper COM setting from the windows device manager->modems->Samsung Mobile USB modem)
      Softick PPP Settings
    5. Active Softick PPP.
    6. Move to the [Final Step]

    If your phone crashes, you can try taking the following steps:

    1. Switch your phone off/on
    2. De-Activate Softick PPP.
    3. !!!!! ---- Disconnect the USB cable and reconnect it. ---- !!!!!!
    4. Start EasyStudio to check if the computer can connect to your phone.
    5. Active Softick PPP

    Now move to the [top] and u can upload Java apps again.

    IV. Installing java games on the Samsung D500 via Infrared

    For IR users,

    1. Deactive Softick PPP, and exit it.
    2. Active your IR connection
    3. Approach your laptop with your phone, and make sure that a tray icon pops up saying the message 'there is a device found...'
    4. Run Samsung's PIM & File Manager to make sure that you get connected via IR. If you can't get connected, please switch yoour phone on & off and try it again.
    5. Run Softick PPP.
    6. Enable IRDA interface support in 'Settings->Options'
    7. Go to 'Settings->Bluetooth/Serial' to check if it includes a connection such as 'COM4 \Device\0000010b', if not, go back to the first step.
      Softick PPP Settings
    8. Move to the [Final Step]

    V. The Final Step

    1. Run 'Uploader.exe' program and add a jad file.
      Java Uploader
    2. Enable Serial Java download - #*536963#.
      Serial Disable
    3. Enter Serial Java menu #*5737425#, and choose USB (if you are using an IR connection you must also choose USB) or Bluetooth (depending on your connection type) from "1 PPP UP". Please bear in mind, just do it once for each switch on/off
      !PPP UP
      Select second option - "2.Serial Download"
      JAVA Serial
    4. Let upload and softick PPP access the net if you installed a firewall.

    If you do see the progress bar but the phone freezes for a couple of seconds and then it reboots itself, it may mean that the connection is all right, but the Softick PPP is not actived or your device is not ticked in settings.

    When finished, use the code #*536961# to avoid problems with WAP.

    From Mobiles24

    How to install Java Games on most Sony Ericsson Phones (With Memory Card)
    Please follow the instructions below...
    1. Download the game using Download to PC Option
    2. Install the software that is supplied with the phone
    3. Connect the USB cable to your phone and insert the USB cable into the computer
    4. Double click - Open Folder to view files using Internet Explorer >> MSSEC >> Media files >> other >> Drag & Drop your Game (.jar) here.
    5. Disconnect USB
    6. On your phone, go to the other folder, on the file click Install >> game.
    From Gomestic

    How to Install Java Games Onto Motorola V3 Phones

    Please have your phone ready, including a cable. You will need internet connection as well.

    This guide will take you though the steps need to install java games onto your Motorola V3 mobile phone. Please have your phone ready, including a cable. You will need internet connection as well.

    Ok, firstly, you need Windows to recognise your phone. You can download drivers here if you haven't got them. Make sure all the drivers are in one folder. Now you plug your phone in. Windows will say "New Hardware Found." When it searches for drivers to install, remember to select the folder which you saved the drivers in.

    Now the drivers are installed, you will need Midway. Midway is a program which connects to your phone and allows you to install games. You can download it here. Don't open Midway yet. You will also need JADmaker, a program which converts JAR files to JAD files. Most games come in JAR files when downloaded so you need to convert them to JAD file or they won't work. You can download JADmaker here.

    You will need to find some games now. Here are several sites you may want to go to.






    When you have the game, get the JAR file and just drag it into the window of the JADmaker. A new icon should appear, it has the same name as the game and the file extension should be ending in .jad.

    You now need to enable Java applet loader. Download P2K tools here. Run P2K tools and plug your phone in. Click refresh and then go to "Other Features" on the left hand side. Go to the bottom of the window and click "Get." Now click Java in a column near the left. Check "Java Applet Loader" or something similar. Click "Set" next to "Get" at the bottom. Nothing may have happened but you have enabled Java Applet Loader.

    Now you will need to know which port your Phone is plugged into. Go to Device Manager (Start>Run> type devmgmt.msc). Go to "Modems." Double click Motorola usb modem. Click the "Advanced" tab and then click "Advanced Port Settings." There should be a drop down menu with COM# written there. Remember the number beside COM#. Open Midway and go to settings. Find the spot where it says COM# and put in the COM# that you remembered before. Click OK. Close all windows.

    If your phone is still plugged in, unplug it. On your phone, go to Java settings and select Java Applet Loader. It will say insert cable so insert the cable into your computer. Now open Midway. Click open JAD. Once the JAD file is opened, click download. Your phone should say Download or cancel. Select Download. Wait for it to complete and you have finished. You can now install games onto your Motorola V3 Phone.

    How To install java software on Samsung using PC Sudio.

    1. Transfer the .jad and .jar files to the phones memory to the 'Other Files' folder.
    You can transfer the files from Samsung PC Studio's 'Phone Explorer', or just transfer it straight to the memory card and move it to 'Other Files' from the phone's menu.
    If you don't have a .jad file, you can download 'Jad Maker' (google) and make a new one.
    2. Exit all menus and type in this code: *#9998*4678255#.
    You should now get a 'Activated' message. Java install is enabled.
    3. Go to the 'Other Files' folder and select the .jad file (should be 1kb).
    Press 'Options' (left touch key) and you should get a 'Do you want to install' question.
    Press 'Yes' to install.
    4. To deactivate Java install, simply type the same code again.
    You should now get a 'Deactivated' message.
    posted by Sammie @ 1:21 PM  
    • At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      I saw the title is "How to install Java games and apps on "some" Phones", but which mobiles doesn't it work on?

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