Between The V and The W

Is a story: Of life, of love, of politics, of anything that crosses this head of mine.

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006
between The Viruses and the 'Roaches Of Old II

c:\Let there be light!

Unrecognizable command. Try again.

c:\Create light


c:\Run heaven and earth

And God created Day and Night. And God saw there were 0 errors. And God logged off at 12:02:00 a.m., Sunday, March 1. And God logged back on at 12:01:00 a.m., Monday, March 2.

c:\Let there be firmament in the midst of water and light

Unrecognizable command. Try again.

c:\Create firmament


c:\Run firmament

And God created the earth. And God saw there were 0 errors. And God logged off at 12:02:00 a.m., Monday, March 2.

My Machine:

1. Former 1300(Now a paltry 800, NITI Eh!)Mhz CentaurHauls Processor.
2. 256MB DDR RAM (Cool for playing Unreal Tournament GOTY).
3. 16MB Onboard Video Card.(Ha! The reason why am NOT Playing UT 2005).
4. 16MB Onboard Sound Card. (Stereo peke yake).
5. 40GB Maxtor Hard Drive.(30GB of movies and mp3's)

My Operating Systems:

1. Windows 2000 Professional.(Drive C:)
2. Windows XP Professional. (Drive D:)
3. Red Hat Linux Ver. 9.0. (Testing purposes only)

Software: (The really important ones anyway)

1. Norton AntiVirus Ver10 Corporate Edition on the Prof
2. AdAware SE for Winxp and prof
3. Mozilla Firefox on both Windows (Linux has Mozilla!)
4. Stinger, a stand-alone antivirus ka-program that zaps common viruses and trojans.
5. Opera. (Basically when Firefox took up all my RAM and became unstable.)

Now my machine was ready to kick Ass!

First off:

A very innocent question, "What are viruses and trojans?" led me off to Wikipedia

Armed with all the info i could cram in-between my ears and paste on my Google Notebook i set out on the journey.
posted by Sammie @ 3:39 PM   3 comments
Monday, June 05, 2006
Between the Viruses and the 'Roaches of Old

is Nnoime32.exe


The buggers are set to annoy me? Ati what?

So i set out on a journey of discovery; to the depths of the internet:

Disclaimer: the following information is intended for educational purposes only. Use the following tools and visit these sites at your own peril.

The plan:

1. Get a secure ISP.

2. Get a reliable connection.

3. Install a stable Operating System.

4. Install a "safe" browser.

5. Download the latest patches and fixes.

6. Make my computer (A.K.A the VW) hacker proof.

7. Schedule history-cleaning sessions.

8. Mirror my Hard Disk!

9. Light some "udi" and do some Native American-Indian Dance aroound the computer to "bless" it.

10. Stock up on caffeine, namely Kahawa Chungu.

Over the next installments, i invite you to Sit back and enjoy the ride into the deepest darkest corners of the internet with me.

In the beginning there was the computer. And God logged on at 12:01:00 a.m. Sunday, March 1.

c:\Let there be light

Enter password.


Password incorrect. Try again.


Password incorrect. Try again.


Password correct. Proceed.
posted by Sammie @ 5:11 PM   0 comments
About Me

Name: Sammie
Home: Nairobi, Kenya
About Me: Definitely not your average Jack. Love God, music, challenges and fun. Not as young as i would wish but not as old as you'd expect. Ha!
See my complete profile
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