Saturday, January 19, 2008 |
Between the Violence And the Wailing |
Its been a while since this happy blogger posted. A lot of water (blood?) has passed under the bridge and we are at the verge of a civil war.
Given that Kenya has 42 tribes, many may be convinced that indeed we are on the verge of a civil unrest. Granted, the signs were always on the wall, what with the land issues, equitable distribution of wealth, et al
The Bible speaks of the servants who were given talents according to their ability. What if the one with one talent stole from the one with two?, or vice versa? Think about it.
I am disturbed by the reports carried by the media. Why aren't there photos of a peaceful kenya, ie Naivasha, Nyeri etc? It might be said that these are strongholds of a particular party, but everyone knows that there are mixed ethnicities living, working and talking side by side. AS we spread dispair, please let us dish out hope in equal measure.
Question: What is equality?, what is justice? whare is justice, where is equality? its time we woke up to the reality of the times. When Europe was fighting each other, in the name of world (tribal??) wars, who was the mediator?? Iraq, afghanistan, Somali, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Naples, France, Nigeria are all in conflicts or other, Is it a case of the greater evil? Americans are still united in calling themselves so, while some people are condemming the sending of US troops to The "trouble spots" Our leaders are busy swearing themselves to a million a month "stipend"
What comes out in all this??
Who cannot deny the fact that the E.U, America, China, Russia have a stake in this crisis? Contracts, funding, donor Aid (read conditions) are all but a small percentage of the VESTED INTERESTS of these outsiders.
What value will a presidency be in a "wasteland"? Think Somalia. Who is serving who's interests here? IS Kibaki Presidency the issue or the straw that broke the camel's back? I hear a lot of explanations from "aggrieved" parties, but i am not hearing solutions.
Acolyte posted an interesting question
"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?
They must both yield or there shall be total chaos...... " Are we in a position to sustain an all out war? If you watched "Blood Diamonds" the movie, then it becomes clear that we need something more valuable than flowers or coffee(which need work) Congo has minerals and Uranium, Nigeria, Sudan, Chad, Niger, Somali all have OIL!
What would happen if the army took over????? THINK KENYANS, THINK!
We need to come to an agreement, one that will favour everyone, in the issue of the obviously failed elections, and failed leaders who swore allegience to an "illegitimate" government, who can have the guts to castigate the government for killing "Innocent Kenyans" who leave behind a telling tale of destruction and death.
If a kenyan is the guy who demonstrates only when the sun is shining, is paid 200/= to destroy and loot property, kill, loot and maim, then:
posted by Sammie @ 2:15 PM  |